Connor Redmond missed his first two games this year with a knee injury, but came back strong in Archer’s game against Brookwood in Week 3. The tight end accounted for 121 yards and a touchdown on 10 receptions. His touchdown made the difference as Archer beat Brookwood 25-20. He did well blocking as well with two pancakes and a 90 percent blocking grade.
His work on the field is mirrored by how hard he works on his grades. Connor has a 3.5 GPA and all of his classes are either honors or AP level. He has been recognized by Duke’s TIP (Talent Identification Program) for his work in the classroom as a gifted student.
Schools at the next level have taken notice of his playing ability and remarkable intellect. He went to a few camps this summer, visiting Vanderbilt, N.C. State and a few at the University of Georgia. Recruiting is picking up for him now, and he’ll surely be near the top of a number of schools lists.
“I’ve received letters from UGA, Auburn, and Louisville,” Connor said. “I’m also being recruited by N.C. State, Vandy, Auburn, Louisville and UGA as of now.”
In addition, Connor is an active member of 12 Stone Church and an FCA leader at his school. He works exceptionally hard in all aspects of his life, and he believes he’s set up to be very successful.
“I love playing at a new school where you the opportunity to create a tradition and a way of doing things. I’m also blessed to have the best coaching staff in the state, in my opinion, and great teammates,” Connor said.
His coaches and teammates will appreciate the praise, and they definitely would reciprocate in Connor’s direction as he is one of the most talented football players on the team, and a big reason for the Tigers’ early success.
Any school would be lucky to have him, but for Connor, Georgia has always been a dream.
“I’ve always wanted to go to Georgia,” Connor said, “I’ve spent time in Athens and you just can’t beat it.”
He’s an impressive student-athlete who will bring work ethic and drive to whatever institution he decides to attend.