The GHSA held a reclassification Committee Meeting at the Thomaston-Upson County Civic Center Monday to continue the process in reclassifying schools for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years.
The art of placing schools in the proper classes has many angles and aspects to consider. No single situation will make every school happy.
Monday, several proposals were discussed and voted on. The committee will meet in Macon on Sunday and Reclassification Committee member Jasper Jewell, the athletics director for Atlanta Public Schools, explained the focus of that meeting.
“When we meet again in Macon next Sunday,” said Jewell, “Our focus will be on the multiplier and the other details surrounding that idea.”
Here are the highlights from Monday’s meeting in Thomaston.
– Representatives of Cartersville, Jefferson and Calhoun High Schools submitted a new proposal prior to the meeting which was aimed at keeping the school’s 2.0 multiplier for out-of-district students but to apply it only to those out-of-district students who participate in extracurricular activities. Also, the proposal would require schools to submit a list of out-of-district students who participate in extracurriculars and any current out-of-district students not submitted to the GHSA would have to sit out one calendar year from the submission date (same concept as a migrant student transfer). The proposal failed with a 13-5 vote.
– The vote to use a multiplier passed 13-5 as did a proposal to move forward with the Private School competitive balance proposal.
– Reclassification Committee President Glenn White stated that the committee needed a range for the multiplier between 2.5-3.0 which passed with a 14-4 vote.
– Former Marist athletics director Tommy Marshall asked the committee to reconsider a previous proposal from larger private schools which was voted down at a previous meeting. The motion was to put the proposal back under consideration and it passed with just three negative votes.
– Several school representatives spoke against the multiplier rule and were reminded by Committee member and Norcross athletics director KIrk Barton that if the school was not satisfied with its classification placement after the multiplier rule was applied, the school could file an appeal with the Reclassification Committee.