Let kids enjoy youth sports

I was all set to write an NBA Western Conference preview this week, but I just don’t feel like it. This past weekend, I went to visit my 16-year-old cousin Rashad who’s battling cancer in Birmingham at the Children’s Hospital of Alabama. We just found out he had cancer a few months ago, so we’re still trying to wrap our minds around it. 

He was just like any other normal teenager; he played football and did other things teenage boys do. All of a sudden, one day he finds himself lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life. He’s doing much better these days, but he still has a long way to go.

I just want to take this opportunity to tell those of you with healthy children to enjoy it. Enjoy going to that little league game or that high school football game to watch your child actually get to be a child. At the end of that game whether they win or lose, remind them that it’s just a game. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not nearly as important as we make it out to be. It’s just for fun, and these days it seems like the fun is being sucked out of youth sports.

Make them understand that they don’t have to be the best athlete to participate. Tell them they don’t have to be any good at all – they should play just for the fun of it. We’ll be waiting patiently for the day when Rashad can rejoin his brother and friends on the football field. There’s no doubt we’ll all enjoy it more than we ever did before.

Read more from C.C. at http://coco-vents.blogspot.com. C.C. can be reached at cfelicec@yahoo.com.



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