The word on Sporty Girls, Inc.

C.C. recently caught up with Hot 107.9′s Rashan Ali via email about her non-profit organization Sporty Girls, Inc.

C.C.: What inspired you to create Sporty Girls?

Ali: Sporty Girls, Inc. is a non-profit organization which encourages young African-American girls to swim, play golf, tennis and soccer while developing lifestyle skills. SGI was a dream that I had about two years ago. Growing up, my relay team and I were the only black girls in the water for a number of years. We were very good and successful. (We still have two records that stand in the DeKalb County Summer League Record books; one record is 23 years old.) All of us received full scholarships to swim in college. All of our degrees were free because we chose a sport that most African-American girls just don’t do. So I thought to myself, why not create a way for girls from all economic backgrounds to be exposed to the sports “we” don’t generally participate in on a professional level? There are scholarships being given in these sports, but they are not going to our youth because we simply have never participated in it.

C.C.: Do you think non-traditional sports offer something more than the popular sports?

Ali: I think all sports offer the same things. Since we traditionally aren’t seen in a swimsuit, with golf clubs, with a racket, with shin guards … it gives them that much more confidence to believe that they can accomplish anything by succeeding in those non-traditional sports.

C.C.: What is the most important thing you want young girls who are involved with SGI to know?

Ali: I just really think it’s important to develop good self-esteem and to also develop bonds by knowing how to be a winner in life.

C.C.: Tell us more about Radio One and sports.

Ali: My co-host and friend Griffy 2K and I do the sports twice a day on the show. I also write a sports commentary every Thursday that is posted on our Web site. This gives me the chance to talk about anything and everything I’d like to talk about. I’ve talked about everyone from Evander Holyfield to Vivian Stringer. I’m proud to say that I’m a woman and I love sports. What man doesn’t love that? My husband certainly does!

C.C. can be reached at 


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