Logan Hunt has perhaps the most unique route to the Elite Junior Classic this weekend. After a last-minute change-of-mind by another player, Hunt received a call Wednesday night at 11 p.m. from Washington County head coach Joel Ingram, who informed Hunt he had been invited to take part in the event at McEachern. Hunt jumped at the chance and drove 3.5 hours to the Powder Springs campus at 7 a.m. Thursday morning.
Despite such a difficult route to the all-star game, Hunt believes it was all worth it.
“It’s pretty fun meeting new people and experiencing new things,” said the Golden Hawks’ defensive end. “We have to adjust to playing with new players, but it’s all fun.”
While helping lead his team to the Class AAA finals, Hunt was a crucial part of it. But he also maintains an important role in his school. He is part of the middle Georgia high school’s Youth Leadership team, which helps show new students and visitors around the school as well as being role models to other students.
Hunt maintains a 3.3 GPA and is already getting college offers. He has been offered by Cincinnati and Indiana while also being recruited by Georgia Tech, Chattanooga and MTSU.
The southeast will get a chance to become acquainted with Hunt Saturday in the Elite Junior Classic, which will be televised on CSS in front of an audience of five million.